Setting up an email in This is a tutorial for setting up e-mail account in Following settings are compatible with you email account:...
Setting up the filter for an address that is forwarded to The filters in administration do not favor forwarded messages and on certain occasions received messages are marked as spam,... FAQ In this article, we have gathered the basic functions related to the that will make it easier for you to...
Changing the e-mail password The email account’s password can be changed via web-hosting management in My Zone, via our webmail at My Zone...
Creating an e-mail account First, log into My Zone and click E-mail from Services Overview window. For adding a new e-mail account, click Add....
Email servers Following settings are compatible with you email account: Encrypted connection: SSL, SSL/TLS (recommended) or STARTTLS Incoming mail server i.e IMAP...
Setting up an email in Mac Mail Following settings are compatible with you email account: Encrypted connection: SSL, SSL/TLS or STARTTLS Incoming mail server i.e IMAP server:
E-mail server limits Restrictions Standard Premium and Ultimate Time (TTL) (in minutes) (8|12|16) GiB (50|100) GiB – 2000 4000 1440 10000 20000...
Setting up an email in Microsoft Outlook 2016 Following settings are compatible with you email account: Encrypted connection: SSL, SSL/TLS or STARTTLS Incoming mail server i.e IMAP server:
Setting up an email in Mozilla Thunderbird Following settings are compatible with you email account: Encrypted connection: SSL, SSL/TLS or STARTTLS Incoming mail server i.e IMAP server:
Setting up an email in iOS (iPhone and iPad) Following settings are compatible with you email account: Encrypted connection: SSL, SSL/TLS or STARTTLS Incoming mail server i.e IMAP server: ...
Setting up an e-mail in Android Following settings are compatible with you email account: Encrypted connection: SSL, SSL/TLS or STARTTLS Incoming mail server i.e IMAP server:
Email application passwords An application password is a 16-digit passcode which is meant for additional security to a specific device or e-mail program....
Email marketing: tips & tricks for newsletter sender. In the process of marketing goods or company’s web-site via mailing list, be sure to understand what actions are permitted...
SPF, DKIM and DMARC – how to prevent your emails from ending up in spam? SPF, DKIM and DMARC are three technologies that help to prevent your emails from getting into spam. All three are...
Unsolicited mail This is a short help article that describes common non- and misconfigurations that can impact the deliverability and integrity of...
Mailing list – setup and configuration The mailing list is a convenient way to send offers, news and other important information to your customers. We would...
How to change SMTP server There might be cases where you need to change outgoing e-mail server (SMTP server) in your e-mail application. This tutorial...
Catch-all email account In case “Catch-all” is activated, then all the emails sent at non-existent addresses of you server will be delivered to...
Setting up the e-mail account autoreply in Zone Webmail To set up the e-mail autoreply, please log in to Go to Settings (the cogwheel in the upper right...
Email restrictions To ensure a good user experience and users safety, the following restrictions apply on sending and receiving emails. Sending e-mail...
What is the difference between POP and IMAP? POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3) – the most common type of an email account. When using POP3 protocol emails are...