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  3. Temporary Turbo package for Webhosting Pro plan

Temporary Turbo package for Webhosting Pro plan

When you are on Webhosting Pro plan, you can temporarily increase the parallel processing unit (PPU) and PHP process limits. This is useful in situations where the site has more visitors and load than usual, for example, during advertising campaigns.


Webhosting Pro plan Turbo can be used once a month for 2 days.

The Turbo can be found in the My Zone control panel by selecting WebHosting. If your account has more than one server package, choose the server you want to activate Turbo for and then select Additional Resources under WebHosting.

Webhosting Pro plan Turbo

To enable the Turbo, first select the date when additional resources will be required, and then click Switch on.

Webhosting Pro plan Turbo

Additional resources will be provided within 15 minutes of clicking the Switch on.


If you choose to start on the same day, Turbo will run until the end of tomorrow. If you select a date in the future, the “boost” will activate at 00:00 on the selected date and will last for 48 hours.

Updated on 25. Aug 2024
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