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HTTPS and free SSL certificates – Let’s Encrypt

HTTPS is a web security protocol and a TLS (SSL) certificate is needed to use it. Zone offers its web hosting users Let’s Encrypt certificate free of charge.

Since 2017 all new shared hosting packages are automatically installed a free Let’s Encrypt certificate and HTTP traffic is directed to HTTPS.

Installation of Let’s Encrypt certificate on shared hosting packages

If your web host does not yet have an Let’s Encrypt certificate installed then it can be done via server management panel.

This can be done under Web Hosting -> Webserver -> SSL/TLS certificates by clicking Add

After successful issuance the certificate will be automatically installed on the web host together and the HTTPS host will be automatically enabled.

If you’re getting an error during the issuance of the certificate, please contact Zone’s customer support!

Useful tip!

Let’s Encrypt also covers alias domains tied to server. Maximum amount of aliases per certificate is 50 (with and without WWW hosts).

Updated on 16. May 2024

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