To view the amount of disk space used, run the following command in the SSH console:
quota -s> quota Disk quotas for user virt490 (uid 10490): Filesystem blocks quota limit grace files quota limit grace /dev/sdb1 41561M 512G 512G 169k 512k 512k
The displayed output will show the following information:
- “Filesystem” is the filesystem in which the quota is implemented.
- “Blocks” is used hard disk space in megabytes (example: 41561M = 41.5GB).
- “Quota” and “limit” are applied hard disk capacity limits in gigabytes (512G).
- “Grace” is not used.
- “Files” number shows the total amount of files (inodes: 169k = 169,000)
- “Quota” and “limit” show the inode limit (example: 512k = 512,000 limit)
To see which directory takes up the most space, use:
du | sort -n | tail -50
To find out where in the directory there are the most files, use:
find | cut -d/ -f 2 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tail -50
If you also want to see the number of files in deeper directories, use:
find | cut -d/ -f 2-5 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tail -50