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  3. Dedicated servers 24/7 hotline

Dedicated servers 24/7 hotline

Although all Zone services are monitored around the clock and throughout the year, in exceptional circumstances, Dedicated Server customers can report server-related faults by phone outside normal business hours. A hotline number will be issued upon signing a Dedicated Server contract.

Zone provides a 24/7 hotline service for Dedicated Server customers, exclusively for reporting faults related to the Dedicated Server. This number is not intended for assistance with web applications. To ensure an efficient service during non-working hours, please be sure to follow the instructions below when calling this number.

Guidelines for using a hotline:

Prepare the necessary information in advance:

  1. The host name or IP address of the dedicated server.
  2. A description of the problem – what exactly you noticed, when the problem started, its extent and other relevant details.
  3. Your name and ZoneID account name.

    Follow the instructions below:
  4. On-call technician may ask for further information or give instructions for further action.
  5. The information about the failure is forwarded to a specialist in the data centre and then the on-call technician can give an estimate of the time it will take to resolve the problem.


Important reminder:

  1. The hotline should only be used to report problems with the dedicated server.
  2. If you have any questions or problems related to the web-site applications, please contact customer support by e-mail or call the customer support number +372 688 6886 during working hours.
  3. The hotline phone number shared with the dedicated server contract is not allowed to be redistributed to third parties.


  1. Make sure you have all the information you need before you call to make the process run smoothly.
  2. Describe the problem as precisely as possible so our technical team can find a solution faster.
  3. Check if there is already a notification of the fault to be reported on the Zone status page.
  4. If the problem is not urgent, consider alternative methods of notification, such as contacting customer support by email.
Updated on 4. Jul 2024
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