Secure WebSocket (WSS) The easiest way to use a secure websocket connection on the Zone virtual server platform is to connect through the...
ZFPM (Zone FastCGI Process Manager) Overview ZFPM (Zone FastCGI Process Manager) is a software product developed by Zone Media whose mission is to provide an...
How To Change Default PHP CLI Version In Console Default PHP CLI version for Zone managed servers (shared hosting, smart dedicated servers) have the same PHP version as the...
xmlrpc.php POST requests to WordPress methods Protection has been added to Zone webhosting websites to block POST requests to files named xmlrpc.php that contain a WordPress...
500 Internal Server Error The 500 Internal Server Error is a very general website status code that means something has gone wrong on the...
Parallel processing unit limits What is a parallel processing unit? Web hosting packages have a limit on the number of parallel units that can...
AH10411: Rewritten query string contains control characters or spaces Due to the patching of the CVE-2023-25690 (CVSS score 9.8) vulnerability discovered in the Apache web server software, some Rewrite...
Error 431 Request Header Fields Too Large A 431 error indicates that the client is sending a request to the server with headers (usually cookies) that are...
Error 429 Too Many Requests Protection has been added to the websites hosted at Zone to limit the number of queries to wp-login.php and xmlrpc.php...
mod_remoteip All virtual and dedicated servers running ZoneOS platform have Apache mod_remoteip enabled by default. Thanks to this module, for connections...
Domain Alias Domain aliases are domains that you own, but which do not contain any content. Instead, they point to the contents of...
Limiting the .htaccess file size to 512 KiB In a shared hosting environment, the size of .htaccess files is limited to 512 KiB to ensure proper functioning of...
Web server log format Apache webserver logs are located in the logs catalogue. Secure HTTPS connection logs are located in apache.ssl.access.log file. Here is...